
Showing posts from December, 2022

Guide for First-Time Window Buyers

  If you are purchasing windows for the first time, you may feel overwhelmed by the daunting task ahead. With so many factors to consider, from cost to energy efficiency to design, our handy guide will help you confidently make your first window purchase.   Materials   There are many great choices regarding the materials surrounding your windows. The climate in your area will determine your window material needs. You want to choose a durable material that will hold up to the elements. The most popular window frame materials are wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl.   Style   Your number one goal when choosing the style of your windows is to match the home's existing architecture. Some homes require a wide variety of window shapes and styles, while others have a more uniform style and size throughout the entire building. If you are choosing windows for a home that requires several diverse types to coordinate with the architecture, choose a window manufacturer that ma

What Are the Benefits of Front Door Sidelights?

When visitors approach your home, they make their first impression of the feel and tone of your most sacred space. If you plan to build your home or do renovations, your focus should be creating a welcoming and eye-catching entry to your house. The door placement, style, and color are essential elements of building your dream entryway. But another thing to consider is adding sidelights to your front entrance.   A sidelight is a thin, vertical window that sits directly next to your front door. Commonly, sidelights come in pairs, with one sidelight on each side of the door. It is appropriate to put sidelights next to any door in your home, but they are predominantly found at the home's main entrance.   Sidelights bring homeowners a variety of benefits, including:   Natural Light   Sidelights allow warmth and brightness into the home through natural light. They light the entry space and can make the entire house feel brighter.   Curb Appeal   Sidelights are becom

Common Signs of Window Seal Failure

  One of the essential functions of your window is for them to open and close properly. And when shut, the window should seal so that no air can seep through. In addition, a proper seal maximizes the energy efficiency of your windows, keeping you comfortable and managing your costs.   But did you know that window seal failure is a frequent problem? So how do you know if the seals on your windows are failing ?   Drafts   If the seal on your window works, you should not feel cold air drifting in. Some suggest putting a wet hand up to your window. If you feel the frigid air, your seal is not working. Note that the hardware on your window, often made of metal, might be cold because it conducts temperature .   Foggy Windows   While every home has fluctuating humidity that leads to normal window condensation, foggy windows can indicate window seal failure. When seals are working correctly, the inert gas acting as insulation in most modern windows stays inside. The window ap

Are Vinyl Windows a Better Choice than Wood or Fiberglass?

  When it is time to replace the windows in your house, you might find yourself researching your project. While you want to ensure the windows are energy-efficient and cost-effective, you are also probably looking for replacement windows that will stand the test of time. During your search, you may also ask, "are vinyl windows better than wood or fiberglass?" Let's explore this question .   Wood Windows   The classic choice for window frames is wood. Many enjoy the natural beauty of the rich colors and grains that the wood look brings to the home. However, wood windows are not necessarily the best choice for extreme temperatures because they must be treated and maintained to minimize weather effects on the frames. In addition, depending on the size and dimensions of your spaces, the heavier weight of wood may not be feasible for your home.   Fiberglass Windows Fiberglass windows are a popular choice for homeowners. These windows are made from glass melted und