Ways To Conserve Energy in Your Home

Every year, society goes a bit more green than the one prior. From recycling efforts to reducing emissions by driving a bit less, a lot can be done to save the environment. In many circumstances, your green efforts actually start with conservation in your home to reduce energy consumption.

If your windows are starting to cause drafts, prompting your air conditioning unit to work overtime because they have faded with time or from wear and tear, it may be time for you to consider window replacements. This effort can and will certainly leave a positive dent in your monthly energy bill.

Aside from installing more energy-efficient windows and treatments, there are more cost-effective and simple steps you can take to eliminate other reasons your energy consumption may be sky-high. Here are a few simple efforts you can make to lower your consumption before replacing all your windows.

Tips for Home Energy Conservation

Replace Your Air Filters - Air conditioning units run much more frequently in Florida than in other areas around the country. Because of this, the air filter gets dirty quicker, so always be sure to change them out!

Consider a Programmable Thermostat - Statistically, your home should be cooler at night while you sleep and warmer during the day (within reason) while you are at work. Having a thermostat that allows you more control over temperature puts conservation in your hands.

Move Electronics - Lamps, TVs, and other electronic equipment sitting near a thermostat can trick it into believing it's warmer than it truly is. Keep these devices and other decor that give off heat far enough away from your room thermostat to prevent this phenomenon from happening.

Use or Install Ceiling Fans - Many worry that trying to simply "deal with the warmth" of Florida by having their thermostat higher to save energy will be agony. However, if you use or install ceiling fans, this circulates the air and takes much less energy to run than your air conditioning unit.

LED Bulbs Are Cheaper - By now, you likely have heard that LED lightbulbs not only last longer than their halogen predecessors, but they are a fraction of the cost to run as well. Find the correct wattage for each lighting fixture and drastically drop your energy consumption.

Install Window Treatments - If you don't have blinds, shutters, or shades on your windows, put some in! Having your shades drawn or shutters slightly shut during the day keeps the interior temperature down.

Always Helping You Save!

If none of the above tips have reduced your energy costs, a fresh set of windows will help! The Window Depot's licensed, certified, and expertly-trained team can help you decide on appropriate windows and window treatments that help reduce energy consumption in your home.

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