Ways To Childproof Your Windows
Your children are always at the forefront of your mind. When they're at home, at school, or even when you are out in public with them, their whereabouts are of the utmost importance to you. And this has much to do with your concern for their safety and well-being. Accidents often happen around your own home more frequently than when you are out and about. One of the more common causes of child endangerment is windows on a home not suitable for childproofing or lack of childproofing altogether. The simple efforts of childproofing the windows on your home prevent the unthinkable from happening to your young ones. Consider these concepts if you are a parent and are either replacing your windows, building a new home, or looking to better childproof your windows! What To Consider To Childproof Home Windows Window Screens Are Fragile - Too many parents believe that if they put up window screens, they act like a baby gate. They do not! Window screens pop off extremely easily and can tear...