Custom-Shaped and Specialty Window Options
When you construct a new home, you should consider your architectural preferences. But what makes up these home design styles is so much more than just siding, color, and layout. Doors, gutters, and most notably, windows often hold an integral piece in the architectural equation.
Conversely, if you are looking to replace the windows on your home, the architecture should help decide what types of windows you utilize. However, there are many circumstances where special configurations and custom window styles are needed to fulfill your vision for your home.
Opening the door to custom windows can be quite intimidating as you replace old windows or build a home needing new ones. Here is a list of several different custom window styles and where they belong in the industry.
The Variety of Custom Windows and Special Configurations
Custom Shape Windows - Coming in various styles, including ovals, hexagons, trapezoids, and more, custom shape windows are fixed in place. However, there are special requests to engineer a specific size and shape to open.
Arched Top Windows - Consider contemporary farmhouse and cottage-style architecture when you think of these windows. Commonly found on top of a set of single-hung windows, these are designed to add an exterior appeal while enhancing the amount of natural light.
Hopper Windows - Comparable to awning windows, these are utilized in particular areas, where having the hinge towards the bottom and the ability to swing inward is beneficial. More commonly than not, these can also be positioned over a fixed pane window in similar locations to arched top windows.
Direct Set Windows - Direct set window styles give a room the ultimate natural daylight by having extremely narrow frames. A typical design feature on contemporary homes, direct set windows are fixed and often quite large.
Oriel Bay Windows - One of the more ornate designs to come out of the Renaissance years in architecture, these bay windows are some of the most custom iterations of a bay window you can find. Built traditionally into the side of a home, oriel bay windows can be structurally reinforced by stone.
Box Bay Windows - An edgy take on the more traditional canted bay window, box bay windows have panes of glass and frames that connect at a ninety-degree angle on the exterior of a home. Like the name, this essentially creates a box shape that is not commonly the main bay window of a home.
Installing Specialty Windows in Tampa Bay
Are you considering having custom windows installed on your home? It pays to hire the professional window specialists at The Window Depot for the task! Our professionals are highly knowledgeable and skilled in window installation, maintenance, and design, being your best choice in window replacements in the Tampa Bay area.
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